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 Reguli Server

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Mesaje : 24
Data de inscriere : 31/12/2010

Reguli Server Empty
MesajSubiect: Reguli Server   Reguli Server EmptyLun Ian 03, 2011 1:11 pm

Numele de utilizator (Nicknames)

Numele utilizatorilor nu trebuie sa fie ofensatore, neadecvate, rasiste, extremiste sau vulgare. Jucatorilor ce vor folosi astfel de nume sau vor pretinde ca fac parte din Echipa Metin2 le vor fi sterse conturile fara a fi atentionati. De asemenea, cei ce vor pretinde a fi altcineva vor fi banati.

§2 Denumirile generale (Names in general)

Magazinele, breslele, grupurile, Item-urile sau orice alt lucru caruia ii poti da o denumire vor trebui sa fie conforme cu punctul §1 Numele de utilizator (Nicknames)

§3 Comportamentul (Behaviour)

Te rugam sa tii cont intodeauna de faptul ca nu ai voie sa insulti alti jucatori. Amenintarile, spam-ul, mesajele ofensatoare sau insultele catre ceilalti jucatori se pedepsesc cu banarea contului din joc.
Daca esti insultat, amenintat sau primesti mesaje nedorite de la un alt jucator, te rugam sa contactezi Game Master-ul responsabil. Decizia Game Master-ului nu-ti va fi comunicata iar intrebarile gen "Ce se intampla cu x daca mi-a spus y lucru?" vor ramane fara raspuns si vor fi considerate Spam. Apelarea fara motiv a unui Game Master, in cazul in care se repeta succesiv, poate fi sanctionata cu banarea contului din joc.

§3.1 Chat-ul Intern - Spam (Ingame Chat - Spam)

Flood-ul pe chat-ul intern cu mesaje tip Spam este interzis. De asemenea este interzis sa oferi informatii sau sa intrebi despre metodele de incalcare a regulamentului (cheats, cods, hacks) precum si link-urile catre alte jocuri, in afara de Metin2 vor aduce banarea contului din joc.

§3.2 Chat-ul Intern - Limba folosita (Ingame Chat - Language)

Limba oficiala folosita pe toate serverele romanesti ale jocului Metin2 este Limba Romana. Exceptie facand strainii ce au voie sa foloseasca numai Limba Engleza, aceasta fiind singura limba straina acceptata.

§4 Folosirea bug-urilor (Bugusing)

Daca descoperi un bug, raporteaza-l Game Master-ului. Este interzis sa il folosesti in avantajul tau iar incalcarea acestei reguli aduce banarea contului din joc.

§5 Inselatoria (Cheating)

Sunt interzise toate programele de conectare la serverele Metin2 in afara de cele ce apartin de GameForge4D si care sunt prezentate pe siteul Manipularea programelor de conectare este interzisa si se pedepseste cu ban permanent pe toate serverele Metin2. Decriptarea si hacking-ul clientului de conectare sau a oricarei informatii ce apartine serverului sunt strict interzise.

§6 Conturile (Account)

Este de datoria ta sa te asiguri ca datele contului tau sunt in siguranta. Impartasind aceste date cu altcineva inseamna sa pierzi credibilitatea reclamatiilor aduse in cazul pierderii contului sau a Item-urilor aflate in cont. Echipa Metin2 nu-ti va cere NICIODATA datele de logare (nume, parola). Comercializarea reala de conturi, Item-uri, Yang este strict interzisa. Acest lucru se pedepseste cu banarea permanenta a contului din joc si de asemenea se poate actiona pe cale legala.

§7 Echipa Jocului (GM Team)

GM este prescurtarea de la Game Master. GM nu iti vor da Item-uri, Yang sau orice altceva. GM sunt aici sa te ajute si sa aiba grija ca jocul si chat-ul sa se desfasoare in limitele regulamentelor. Va trebui sa te supui indrumarilor date de GM. Contul tau din joc poate fi banat daca nu te supui acestor indrumari. GM te pot bana temporar sau definitiv si pot lua orice hotarare este nevoie pentru a mentine o buna desfasurare a jocului. Jucatorii sunt obligati sa raspunda mesajelor private din joc, primite de la GM. Daca dupa o anumita perioada de timp jucatorul nu raspunde, se considera ca foloseste un soft ilegal doar pentru a-i tine caracterul in joc fara ca utilizatorul sa joace si se pedepseste cu banarea contului.

§8 Reclamatiile aduse echipei de joc (Complaints about the Game Team)

In general trebuie sa se urmeze ierarhia:
Reclamatiile aduse unui Trial GM sau GM se raporteaza la SGM.
Reclamatiile aduse unui SGM se raporteaza la GA.
Reclamatiile aduse unui GA se raporteaza la System

§9 Sanctiunile (Sanctions)

Echipa jocului va folosi urmatoarele sanctiuni pentru a mentine o buna desfasurare a jocului:

-kicks (delogari)
-banuri temporare
-banuri permanente

Aceste reguli se pot modifica oricand. Cand vor fi modificari va vom informa. Aceste reguli nu inlocuiesc Termenii si Conditiile, sunt doar adaugate T&C.


§1 Nicknames
Nicknames may not be insulting, racistic, extremistic or vulgar in any way. Players using nicknames like that or pretending to be part of the Metin2 team will be deleted without warning. Also pretending to be someone else may lead to an account ban.

§2 Names in general
Shops, guilds or any other groups or items or things in Metin2 you are able to choose the name for on your own will be handled the same way as stated in §1.

§3 Behaviour
Please do always keep in mind not to insult other players. Threatening, blackmailing or insulting other players leads to bans from the game.
If another player threatens, insults or blackmails you please contact the responsible GM, who will take care of it. The decision the GM makes is non of your concern and you may not spam the GM with questions like "What will happen to XYZ if I say he said xyz to me?". Calling a GM without a good reason can also, if it happens too often, lead to sanctions ingame.

§3.1 Ingame Chat - Spam
Flooding the ingame chat with spam messages is forbidden. Also it is not allowed to ask for/advertise for cheats or hacks. Further posting links to other games than Metin2 in the ingame chat leads to a ban from the game.

§3.2 Ingame Chat - Language
The official language on all servers is romanian. English is tolerated.

§4 Bugusing
If you find a bug: report it. Taking advantage of a bug is forbidden and leads to ban from the game.

§5 Cheating
It is strictly forbidden to use other programs than the Metin2 client provided by Gameforge4D on the site to connect to the servers. Manipulating the client is also forbidden. Using illegal Software to run and manipulate the Metin2 client is forbidden as well and leads to immediate and complete ban from all servers. You are not allowed to decrypt, hack or manipulate files that are sent from the client to the server or files that are sent from the server to your client.

§6 Account
It is your job to make sure your account is safe. Giving away login data to anyone else makes you lose any claim for replacement of lost items. The Metin2 team will never ask you for your login data such as password.
You are not allowed to sell your account or ingame items such as weapons or armors or Yang. Doing so or even trying to do so leads to a permanent ban from the game and can also have legal consequences.

§7 GM Team
GM is an abbreviation which stands for Game Master. Game Masters will not give you items, Yang or anything else. GMs are there to help you and to make sure that users obey the game and chat rules. You have to obey orders given to you by the GMs. Not obeying orders given to you by the GMs leads to bans from the game. GMs may kick temporarily and request bans and take every necessary action to maintain a fluent undisturbed gameplay. Players have to answer to private messages from GMs ingame. If they don't answer afte rbeing given a reasonable amount of time to do so this is considered as usage of illegal software which only pretends a player is actually using the client and leads to a ban from the game.

§8 Complaints about the Game Team
Generally you have to maintain the command chain.
Complaints about a Trial GM or GM are to be reported to the SGM.
Complaints about the SGM are to be reported to the GA.
Complaints about the GA are to be reported to the System

§9 Sanctions
The Game team may use the following sanctions and actions to maintain a safe, fluent and undisturbed gameplay:
-temporary bans
-permanent bans
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